(c) 2020 by Richard Andrew King
All Rights Reserved
Date of Publication: 10 August 2020, Monday

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Biden-Trump, Part 1

Note #1: This article is neither intended to extol nor defame Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Its purpose is to show the relationship between these two men and their numbers in order to advance The King's Numerology™ as a science.

Note #2: It is illegal to post or publish this article or any King's Numerology™ works — in full or in part, without permission from the author. If you would like to post or publish this article in full or in part with appropriate attribution, please ask. It is the legal, ethical and proper thing to do.

Note #3: The King's Numerology™ has no affiliation with any political party. It is totally and completely independent and will always remain so.


The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
~ Abraham Lincoln
16th President of the United States

THE BASIC MATRICES OF JOE BIDEN AND DONALD TRUMP ARE INTERSTINGLY SIMILAR. The Basic Matrix is a general profile of a person, their path in life, the performance they will give on the great life stage, their desires and personalities. Below is a simple chart explaining each component of the Basic Matrix.

As we notice in their Basic Matrices, both presidential candidates have 11-2s, 4s, 5s, 7s and 9s. Biden has a 33-6 and a 3 void. Trump has a 99-9 and no voids. The issue, of course, is where each number lies, as well as its polarity.

The Lifepath

Biden's 11-2 Lifepath signifies a life journey associated with others, close personal relationships, yin energy, opposition, confliction, emotion. This certainly befits a life of politics where "others" are constantly involved in opposition, conflict and emotion.

Trump's 4 Lifepath denotes a life journey of structure, organization, order, security, development, building, roots, stability, work and service. His existence, not as a politician but as a builder, developer and businessman is obviously apparent in his 4 Lifepath.

The Expression

Joe Biden's 9 Expression reveals an energy of universality, expansion, the public and the masses. This has served him well in his political career. The #9 is the Number of Mankind. Individuals with a 9 Expression love to rule, dominate and be in charge.

Donald Trump's 5 Expression manifests an individual who is mercurial, versatile, unpredictable, freedom-loving, diverse. The #5 is the Number of Man because all human beings have the #5 in common more than any other number — five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot, five basic senses, thirty-two teeth, 365 days in a year (3 + 6 + 5 = 14: 1 + 4 = 5); five rings on the Olympic Flag. The #5 is also the midpoint of the Alpha-Numeric Spectrum (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9). This gives the #5 the ability to move up, down and across the Spectrum with greater ease than any other number and to have an affinity with all numbers, all people.

Furthermore, the #5 is also the Lifepath of the United States of America and her Material Soul. The initials "USA" equal a 5; "America" is a 5, and the name "Donald" is also a 5. All of this compound 5 energy connects Donald Trump to America, the common man and woman, as well as America's idealism more than his presidential rival, Joe Biden.

Biden-Trump: Surname Analysis

Interestingly, the names Biden and Trump are both 7s. The roots of Biden are: General root - 25; Specific root - 34. The roots of Trump are: General - 25 (same as Biden's); Specific root - 88. This 88 Specific Expression in the surname Trump is powerful. The #8 is the energy of connectivity, engagement, flow, interaction, management. The #8 is the highest social number of the Social Quatrain 2-4-6-8. Multiply the #8 eleven times and the result is 88. No number is more socially engaging, interactive and connective than the 88. Thus, between the surnames of Biden and Trump, Trump trumps.

The Performance/Experience (PE)

Biden's 11-2 Performance in life exactly matches his 11-2 Lifepath, thus intensifying the energy of others, relationships, opposition, etc.

Trump's 99-9 Performance represents the most powerful energy of universality, expansion and the masses. The #9, which Biden has in his Expression, is powerful, but the 99-9 of Trump's PE is eleven times a single 9. No binary number in any field of endeavor is more powerful than this 99-9. It is dominant. It rules. It is greatly charismatic. To visually understand the difference between the 9 and 99-9, all one has to do is compare the crowds that these two candidates draw to them. Donald Trump's rallies are huge; Joe Biden's gatherings are tiny. History has proven this fact.

A few examples of individuals who also share the powerful Master 99-9 energy in their PEs are Amelia Earhart, Elvis Presley, Sofia Loren, Garth Brooks, Wild Bill Hickok, George Armstrong Custer, Hillary Clinton. Like 'em or dislike 'em, in their own way they were all dynamic human beings.

The Umbrellas

The Umbrella represents the outer aspects of the Basic Matrix. It consists of the Lifepath, Expression and Performance/Experience. This is more simply ciphered as LP/(Expression)/PE. Joe Biden's Umbrella is an 11-2/(9)/11-2. Donald Trump's Umbrella is a 4/(5)/99-9.

The 11-2/(9)/11-2 Umbrella is anchored in relationships, others, duality, socialization, opposition, conflict, emotion, dependence, support, teamwork, caring, war and peace (2) and power (9). It is, arguably and potentially, the most duplicitous and deceitful of all Umbrellas.

Because the #2 is the number of two-sidedness, it can flip from one side to the other at will. Factually, Joe Biden has a history of totally flipping his views on the issue du jour to serve his political agenda. The #2 also represents the primal energy of socialization. It is also the energy of dependence and being a follower, not a leader. As his campaign runs its course, it is very obvious that Joe Biden is taking his cues from others, not from his own sense of self.

What is also interesting is that the words Black and White both generate an 11-2 energy, which match Biden's Lifepath and PE. As is obvious from his comments, race plays a major part in Joe Biden's political philosophy, as is evidenced by his own statements.

For example, during the 2012 campaign and speaking about Republicans, then Vice-President Biden said: They're gonna put y'all back in chains. In speaking to the African American community during this 2020 campaign, he basically said that if you don't support him for President then you ain't black. And then there's his unforgettable remark about Barack Obama when Obama announced his candidacy for president in 2008: I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.

Conflict and opposition are inherent in the 11-2/(9)/11-2 energy pattern. The #2 represents others, the #9, power. This explains why Joe Biden is always challenging people physically, such as doing push-ups or taking them "behind the barn," or insulting them verbally, as in the case where he exclaimed to one of his own supporters: "You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier," whatever that is.

In contrast, the 4/(5)/99-9 Umbrella, which Donald Trump has, is very different. It focuses on work, service, strength, security, stability, development (4), freedom, movement, motion, diversity, variety, change, unpredictability (5) and dominating power (99-9).

The #5 is the Number of Man. The #9 is the Number of Mankind. Together, the 5 & 9 comprise the most potent energy in the Alpha-Numeric scale associated with man and mankind. These energies are fundamental to Trump's connection with ordinary people — locally and globally.

Between the two Umbrellas of the 11-2/(9)/11-2 of Joe Biden and the 4/(5)/99-9 of Donald Trump, it is clear that Donald Trump's Umbrella is the more powerful of the two, especially when it comes to connecting with people of all kinds. Because of the nature of this creation, some people will like him, others will dislike him; some will revere him, others will revile him. Some will love him, others will hate him. Regardless, Donald Trump wouldn't be as he is if his numbers were not as they are. Each of us is a manifestation of our numbers and there is no escaping this fundamental truth of numbers and destiny.

The Soul

Joe Biden's 5 Soul signifies a person who desires freedom, diversity, motion and change. He would most likely never admit this, but his 5 Soul makes him drawn to the 5 Expression of Donald Trump. In fact, one could make the argument that Biden desires to be who Donald Trump is. Another major consideration is that the #1 Key of all great relationships is Soul Release, which is where one person's Soul Number matches another person's Expression Number. That's what exists here. Biden's 5 Soul finds Release through Trump's 5 Expression. Strange but true, if truth be known.

Donald Trump's 7 Soul describes a person who thinks deeply about things, asks questions, and enjoys solitude. A 7 Soul can also be associated with a warrior mentality.

Material Soul

Joe Biden's 7 Material Soul makes him a warrior, too, like Trump. Biden likes the fight, which is why he often is seen challenging people to a push-up contest or telling an adversary he'd like to take them behind the barn, ostensibly to give them a whippin', or try.

Donald Trump's 11-2 Material Soul resonates with Biden's 11-2 Lifepath and 11-2 PE. Like Biden, Trump, too, likes conflict and opposition, which is why he's not afraid to pick a fight either, and does all the time — with his own party, the opposition Democrats, the media and even world leaders.

Following up on this point, the two numbers which manifest conflict and opposition more than any other two numbers are the 11-2 and the 7, both of which are anchored in the charts of Biden and Trump. No surprise.


Biden's Nature is a 4. He may want to change (his 5 Soul) but his personality is to be rooted. This explains why he has been in politics for so long. He was elected to the United States Senate in November of 1972. Therefore, this November will mark his 48th year in politics. Numerologically, this proves that the Soul energy signifies a desire while the Nature energy represents an actuality of personality.

Like his 7 Soul, Donald Trump also has a 7 Nature. To have the same cipher in both the Soul and Nature intensifies the energy. In this case, for Trump his Soul's desire exactly harmonizes with his personality. Simply, he is who he wants to be and is quite comfortable in his own skin. Trump is very clear that he is his own man, not someone else's.

Material Nature

Joe Biden's Material Nature is a 33-6. He has a 3 void, so this could be ciphered as 33v-6. The #3 represents joy, communication, words, children, health and well-being. The #6 represents love, nurturing, beauty, harmony, artistry, home, hearth, community, country, sex. When the #6 contains a 33v Master root, it describes a situation where the love is unfulfilled because it's unsupported by the voided 33 Master number. Thus, this gives rise to problems and issues with the expression of love. This is why Biden has a history of unwanted touching of females, hugging them, smelling their hair, etc. He's trying to experience love (the 6) but is being thwarted by the voided 33 which denies the fulfillment of the 6.

Donald Trump's 11-2 Material Nature strengthens his 11-2 Material Soul. Such a combination creates harmony within himself, just as his 7 Nature resonates with his 7 Soul.

Joe Biden's 3 Void

A 3 void (no Cs, Ls or Us in the natal name) is problematic to some degree for everyone who has a 3 void. The #3 governs communication, words, image and images, art, children, health and well-being, joy, happiness, sex, pleasure, friends, good times, entitlement, narcissism. When the 3 is voided in a chart, issues, concerns and problems arise in any or all of the attributes listed above.

Joe Biden's 3 void is glaring. You can't miss it unless you've been off-planet or locked away someplace. To watch Joe Biden struggle to put two sentences together, or to complete a thought without getting lost in it, or fail in an attempt to recite a few prominent words from the Declaration of Independence, is not just difficult to watch, it is heart-breaking and disturbing as well, especially for someone who is vying to be President of the United States and everything that being President represents and demands.

Joe Biden has a history of making gaffs. We all do from time to time, but his mental health and cognitive challenges are justifiably raising major concerns with his competence. We've all seen this. It is beyond troubling. It is dangerous, not just for him but for the United States of America and her future. Practically, how can any man be trusted with the nuclear codes when he simply can't think straight or think clearly at all? How is he to deal with worldly leaders, some of whom are tough, dishonest, and would like nothing better than to see the United States crumble and fall?


If one were to analyze the Basic Matrices of Joe Biden and Donald Trump mano a mano, sans politics, and without knowing who they were, i.e., just sticking to the numbers, it is clear that the 88 Master, the 99-9 Master, and the incredible amount of 5 energy in the chart of the individual with the 88 and 99-9 Master Numbers would unquestionably dominate the other. One chart reveals some power, but the other chart reveals dominating, charismatic and triumphant power.

The Basic Matrices of Joe Biden and Donald Trump have similar numbers. But the similarity of ciphers does not reveal the condition or wholeness of those ciphers. Too, Joe Biden and Donald Trump have walked different paths in their lives. Biden has been a politician for nearly fifty years. Trump has been a businessman all of his adult life. Biden is promoting socialism; Trump, free enterprise. Biden is siding with those who want to defund the police; Trump is for law and order; Biden threatens America's 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms; Trump supports the 2nd Amendment. The differences are many; they are stark and well defined.

Given the reality that the ethos of each presidential candidate is oppositional one to the other, the question remains, "What is the ethos of the American people in toto?" Are they willing to give up their freedom, their individual rights and sovereignty; their ability to speak freely without censure; their right to protect and defend themselves and their families; their right to congregate and worship their God as they please; their right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?" This is precisely what is at stake in the Presidential Election of 2020. Indeed, what is the ethos of the majority of those who live under the flag of the greatest country in human civilization? We'll know soon enough. The answer is three months away . . . on Tuesday, 3 November 2020.
(c) 2020 Richard Andrew King




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   Richard Andrew King, Platinum Author

For numerology knowledge, study The King's Book of Numerology series; Your Love Numbers, Destinies of the Rich and Famous, Blueprint of a Princess - Diana Frances Spencer, Queen of Hearts, The Age of the Female - A Thousand Years of Yin, and Parenting Wisdom for the 21st Century - Raising Your Children By Their Numbers To Achieve Their Highest Potential available at Richard Andrew King Books or click on any of the book images below.

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Richard, your approach is comprehensive and layered, seemingly leaving no numerical-stone unturned. The beginner will appreciate your initial simplicity and unique narrative that clearly connect this subject to its underlying spiritual-context in which all Numerology is based. Afterwards, the way you move into a multi-layered synthesis, more representative of the human condition than any approach I’ve experienced, is extraordinary.

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